Saturday 21 July 2007


I am writing this from the comfort of my father's bungerlow!

After saying goodbye to Wolfgang, it was a pleasant 'A' road drive towards Bruxelles. Everytime I asked for directions, saying I didn't want to use the motorway, people would scratch their heads and say they had no idea how I would get there! Looking at the map, I headed for a place called Saint Truiden. It turned out to be a beautiful, cobble streeted town with a huge church in the central square. What's more, on the hour, the bells didn't just chime, they played It's Now or Never, followed by an hour of other popular tunes! Also, after checking into the only hotel, I noticed I was in Belgium, not Holland! Later, relaxing at a bar in the square, it was exciting to notice a selection of 24 different beers on the menu. I sampled only one, which went straight to my tired head.

The following morning I set off to find a vet. UK laws dictate that a pet has to see a vet not less than 24 hours and not more than 48 hours prior to departure. I had only just found out that I was only a couple of hours from Ostende so was pleasantly surprised when the vet asked me what date and time I wanted her to put on Yorgi's passport. I'd already heard from others how flexible European vets are regarding this point. Anyway, after this formality had been completed it was back on the road. I was dreading the next bit as there was no other way than by motorway. Then the heavens opened. Visibility was down to practically zero. This was good, as it made all the traffic slow down to my speed! The E40 is rather a nice motorway in fact because it doesn't seem to be used by trucks.

At the port it took them one minute to process me and over half an hour for Yorgi. On the ticket (which cost an extra €25) it had in big letters PET. On the mirror I had to hang an orange sign with a picture of a dog on it and on the windscreen a flurescent sticker with another picture of a dog on it, in case there was any doubt. The crossing was very smooth and took two hours including a delay.

Once on UK soil, I promptly got lost! But never mind, the sky was blue and it was a very pleasant evening.

Wednesday 18 July 2007


Hi everyone again. Well, what a journey from Coburg to Cologne. The day I decided to leave, Dad and I visited a local castle in the morning. We then tried to get some lunch, which took forever to find somewhere. When we did, the food was excellent and it was obvious how expensive everything had been at the festival - eg. beer had been €5 when normal price was €1.50! So it was after this meal and the two beers I had with it that I left Coburg in what I thought was the wrong direction: so I turned around. When it was obvious I was heading towards the old East Block border, I turned around again and ended up, an hour later back at the hotel. Hot, bothered and frustrated, I asked reception about the route and I had in fact been correct the first time! So on and on I went, on the phone to my friend in Cologne every hour. In the end, I slept in the car at a service station! Put towels up at the windows, seat back, earplugs in! Terrible night though because of the juggernaughts coming and going all flippin night. Set off at 6am but had to keep stopping cos I was so tired and also cos the lorry drivers were hasseling me cos I was driving too slow for them. I was on edge the whole time. Arrived in Cologne after 7 hours. Wolfgang came on the train to meet me where I'd parked and directed me to his place. But was I able to relax? Oh no. He decided I needed a city tour. Off we hurtled for the next 3 or so hours - leaving Yorgi outside the places of interested, tied to the nearest post. Not happy about that and at one point a lady and her grand-daughter were petting him as we emerged from the cathedral. She said they thought he'd been abandoned and were thinking of taking him!!!!!
So, after the city tour, was I able to go and relax? No again. It was out for a meal of sushi (which I had never had before and couldn't eat) with rice wine with salt (which did pass my lips) and after that a beer at Wolfgang's local watering hole! So, after that dear friends, was I able to go and relax? Thank God, yes! And it was in a lovely, comfortable bed.
Today has been more relaxed but I think it will have to be back on the road again tomorrow BUT NOT ON AN AUTOBAHN. I just can't hack it. Don't care if it takes twice as long. The hassel from THOSE BASTARDS just isn't worth it.
Cologne is a beautiful place with a fantastic atmosphere and Wolfgang is very informative about the history of the place. He even tests me to make sure I've been listening. He is a teacher after all! Yorgi, by the way is fine and has taken to city life rather well.
In the meantime, back in Skopelos, my housesitter has had to return to the States as her father has had a mild stroke. Luckily I have good neighbours who are able to look after the cats.
So, as they say, that's all folks!

Monday 16 July 2007

Pictorial update3

The Samba Band festival in Coburg is a hectic, noisy, crowded, expensive three day event held annually for the last 16 years. Surprisingly not so well organised, dad and I (being separate from the rest of the band, who were camping) spent a lot of time trying to find where they were supposed to be. The main accommodation for all the bands was at a school. The main hall was converted into a huge dormitory. I spent my first night at dad's hotel, the second in their loft and the third in the hall, which meant I had to buy a sleeping mat. However, it was free, as was the breakfast. Last night, everyone had to leave the school grounds as the kids were back - amazingly, the schools are still open here at the moment. So it was back to the hotel. The temperature rose yesterday and the fire department opened fire hydrants and sprayed the bands as they passed to keep them cool. They also had a massive fan in operation.
Poor dad found the whole thing rather tiring and I found them rather thoughtless at times as to his age when it came to arrangements.

Here are some images of Dad's band, Bloco Fogo, plus their mascot Bloco Fogo Dogo!
So this afternoon, its back on the road for me I think, heading to Cologne where I'll stay at a friend's place. Dad leaves tomorrow morning.

Pictorial update 2

Left is where we stayed in the Bremmer pass. I can recommend it.

Other images of scenes along the way in the pass.

Pictorial update 1

Here is Yorgi's house on the ferry from Greece to Italy. Later, he refused to use it and ended up curled up in a corner of the pen - opposite to where the two labs were.

Next one, arriving in Venice.